Pozivamo Vas na otvaranje i programe velike međunarodne izložbe savremene umetnosti 2.BIJENALA MLADIH koje se ove godine realizuje pod nazivom ZOVEM SE SASVIM OBIČNO. Organizator izložbe je Udruženje likovnih umetnika Srbije (ULUS) u partnerstvu sa Domom kulture Studentski grad (DKSG) 

Izložba će biti otvorena 5. septembra sa početkom u 17 časova na više lokacija u Beogradu: Velikoj i Maloj galeriji DKSG (Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 179), Galerijama SULUJ (Palata Anker, Terazije 26/II sprat) i ULUS (Knez Mihailova 37), Umetničkom paviljonu „Cvijeta Zuzorić“ (Mali Kalemegdan br. 1), Bioskopu „Zvezda“ (Terazije 40). Izložbu će pratiti bogat prateći događajni i govorni program koji će biti realizovan u Skandinavskom paviljonu (Mila Milunovića 1), Rimskom bunaru (Beogradska tvrđava, Kalemegdan) i Umetničkom paviljonu „Cvijeta Zuzorić“ prema programu Bijenala (ispod). 

Tema Bijenala mladih 2023. je sistemska nesigurnost u savremenom svetu i prepispitivanje naše uloge u njoj. Nedeljiva od sistema – nesigurnost prolazi kroz sve mene savremenog života i kreira opšte stanje nestalnosti i neizvesnosti. Izložba, stoga, istražuje probleme koje nesigurnost proizvodi u našem društvenom sistemu i propituje posledice tog stanja. Sama izložba stoga nosi naziv ZOVEM SE SASVIM OBIČNO, kako bi ukazala na bazično prisustvo uobičavanja (normalizaciju) stanja nesigurnosti danas. Podeljena je na pet glavnih celina (Dan nakon sutra, Živim u jednoj sobi, Trudim se da ostanem u granicama svesnog, Konfuzan/na sam/a sebi i Pustio sam glas), kao i tri dodatna (prateća) prostorna segmenta i niz događaja u sklopu kojih će biti organizovan i edukativni program za mlade. Izložba je prožeta audio snimcima – isečcima iz razgovora koje su članovi Organizacionog tima vodili na temu nesigurnosti sa širim društvenim grupama tokom rada na pripremi Bijenala. Iako su radovi razvrstani prema nivou glasnosti kojom progovaraju o ovoj temi, Bijenale mladih 2023 – ZOVEM SE SASVIM OBIČNO fokusirano je na pitanje transformativne prirode sistemske nesigurnosti: Šta polazeći od osećaja nesigurnosti možemo učiniti da promenimo sistem? Koje mogućnosti postoje da se njome uopšte bavimo, o njoj govorimo? I koliko glasno? 


17-22č - DKSG
18-22č - Galerije ULUS i SULUJ
19-22č - Bioskop Zvezda i Skandinavski paviljon
20-00č - UPCZ + Kišobran žurka (od 17č)


17-22č - DKSG
17-22č - Galerije ULUS i SULUJ
19-22č - Bioskop Zvezda
19-22č - UPCZ + Sofia Sorokina DJ set - terasa i plato oko Paviljona

Na dane otvaranja, na navedenim lokacijama i u navedenim satnicama biće izvođeni performansi i filmske projekcije u punom obimu programa. Program koji će biti realizovan tokom trajanja Bijenala biće objavljen pošto se završe dani otvaranja.


Termini izvođenja performansa Ivanina DaVillano Đukić u Galeriji SULUJ:
5. i 6. septembar (19h-22h)
7. i 8. septembar (16h-19h)
9. septembar (12h-14h)
14. i 15. septembar (16h-19h)
21. i 22. septembar (16h-19h)
25. i 26. septembar (16h-19h)

Termini izvedbe performansa Igora Zenzerovića u Galeriji ULUS:
5. i 6. septembra (19-22h)

Termini projekcija dugih video radova Cole Highnam i Elene Chemerskau u Bioskopu Zvezdi:
5. i 6. septembra (19-22h)
1.oktobra (19-22h)

Termin izvođenja performansa Son Hakkyung u Velikoj galeriji Doma kulture Studentski grad:
5. i 6. septembra (17.17:15h)

Termini izvedbe performansa Zorane Milićević u Skandinavskom paviljonu:
5. septembra (19-22h)
15.septembra (19-22h)
22.septembra (19-22h)
29.septembra (19-22h)

Termin izvedbe DJ seta Sofije Sorokine na terasi Umetničkog paviljona „Cvijeta Zuzorić“:
6.septembar (19-22h)

Termini realizacije 3 govorna panela u okviru Bijenala mladih na terasi Umetničkog paviljona „Cvijeta Zuzorić“/online:
16.septembar 14h
23.septembar 14h
30.septembar 14h

Termini realizacije radionice Moj CV Miloša Janjića i Olge Romanovne Markalove u Umetničkom paviljonu „Cvijeta Zuzorić“-biblioteci:

23.septembar – 1.oktobar, prema sledećem random vremenu:
subota, 23.09. / 16:00 – 18:30 / OLGA
nedelja, 24.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / MILOŠ
utorak, 26.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / OLGA
sreda, 27.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / OLGA
četvrtak, 28.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / OLGA
petak, 29.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / MILOŠ
subota, 30.09. / 17:00 – 19:00 / MILOŠ
nedelja, 01.10. / 16:00 – 19:00 / MILOŠ

Termini realizacije kustosko-umetničke intervencije Nu Simakine, Kote Davydovau i endlea (muzičar, AI) u Rimskom bunaru:
27.septembar – 1.oktobar (12-19h), otvaranje 26.septembra (19-21h)

Radno vreme rada prostora je svakim danom sem ponedeljka od 12-19 časova. 5. i 6. septembra svi prostori radiće od 17-22 časa, a UPCZ do 24 časa.

Izložbu realizuje Organizacioni tim koji čini grupa mladih protagonista iz oblasti kulture, a projekat je podržan sredstvima Ministarstva prosvete i Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije, Sekretarijata. za kulturu grada Beograda, British Council-a, Ambasade Kraljevine Norveške i Austrijskog kulturnog foruma.

Izložba u celini se realizuje u periodu od 5. septembra do 1. oktobra Dva segmenta izložbe, koja se realizuju u prostorijama Doma kulture Studentski grad (DKSG) će biti otvorena do 25. septembra, a od 26. septembra u 19 časova otvara se poslednji segment izložbe u Rimskom bunaru.
Radno vreme prostora UPCZ, Galerija ULUS i SULUJ je svakog dana osim ponedeljka od 12 do 19 časova, a DKSG od ponedeljka do subote od 17-21 čas.

5. i 6. septembra svi prostori će biti otvoreni do 22:00, a UPCZ do 12:00 časova.

Dobro došli!


We invite You to the opening and programs of the 2nd Biennial of Youth, a large international exhibition of contemporary art, which is being realized this year under the name MY NAME IS MERELY PLAIN. The organizer of the exhibition is the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia (ULUS) in partnership with the Student City Center of Culture (DKSG).

The exhibition will be opened on September 5, starting at 5:00 p.m. in several locations in Belgrade: the DKSG Large and Small Gallery (179, Zoran Đinđić Boulevard), SULUJ Gallery (Palace Anker, 26/II floor, Terazije st), ULUS Gallery (37, Knez Mihailova st), Art pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić" (1, Mali Kalemegdan), Cinema Zvezda (40, Terazije st). The exhibition will be accompanied by a rich event and talk program that will be realized in the Scandinavian Pavilion (1, Milo Milunović st), the Roman Well (Belgrade fortress, Kalemegdan) and the Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić" according to the program of the Biennial. 

The theme of the 2023 Biennial of Youth is systemic insecurity in the modern world and rethinking our role in it. Indivisible from the system - uncertainty runs through everything in modern life and creates a general state of instability and uncertainty. The exhibition, therefore, explores the problems that insecurity produces in our social system and questions the consequences of that condition. The exhibition itself is therefore called MY NAME IS MERELY PLAIN, in order to indicate the basic presence of normalization of the state of insecurity today. It is divided into five main parts (The Day After Tomorrow, I Live in One Room, I Try to Stay in the Framework of Consciousness, Confused to Myself and I Let Out a Voice), as well as three additional (accompanying) spatial segments and a series of events. The exhibition is interspersed with audio recordings - excerpts from conversations that the members of the Organizational Team had on the topic of insecurity with wider social groups during the work on the preparation of the Biennial. Although the works are classified according to the new volume with which they speak about this topic, the Biennial of Youth 2023 - MY NAME IS MERELY PLAIN is focused on the question of the transformative nature of systemic insecurity: What can we do to change the system starting from the feeling of insecurity? What possibilities are there to deal with it at all, to talk about it? And how loud? 


17-22h - DKSG 18-22h - Galleries ULUS and SULUJ 19-22h - Cinema Zvezda and the Scandinavian Pavilion 20:00 - UPCZ + opening party on the plateau around the Pavilion

September 6

17-22h - DKSG 5-10pm - Galleries ULUS and SULUJ 19-22h - Cinema Zvezda 19-22h - UPCZ + DJ set by the artist Sofia Sorokina on the plateau around the Pavilion A detailed calendar of events and educational programs during the exhibition will be published on the website and social networks of the Biennial of Youth after the opening.


Performance dates of Ivanin DaVillano Đukić at SULUJ Gallery:
September 5 and 6 (19:00-22:00)
September 7 and 8 (4pm-7pm)
September 9 (12:00-2:00 p.m.)
September 14 and 15 (4pm-7pm)
September 21 and 22 (4pm-7pm)
September 25 and 26 (4pm-7pm)

Dates of Igor Zenzerović’s performance at the ULUS Gallery:
September 5 and 6 (7-10 p.m.)

The dates of the screening of the video works of Cole Highnam and Elena Chemerskau at Cinema Zvezda:
September 5 and 6 (7-10 p.m.)
October 1 (7-10 p.m.)

The date of the Son Hakkyung performance in the Main Gallery of the Student City Cultural Center:
September 5 and 6 (5:17:15 p.m.)

Dates of Zorana Milićević’s performance in the Scandinavian Pavilion:
September 5 (7-10 p.m.)
September 15 (7-10 p.m.)
September 22 (7-10 p.m.)
September 29 (7-10 p.m.)

The date of the DJ set by Sofia Sorokina on the terrace of the „Cvijeta Zuzorić“ Art Pavilion:
September 6 (7-10 p.m.)

Dates for realization of 3 speaking panels within the Biennial of Youth on the terrace of the „Cvijeta Zuzorić“ Art Pavilion/online:
September 16, 2 p.m
September 23, 2 p.m
September 30, 2 p.m

Dates of realization of the My CV workshop by Miloš Janjić and Olga Romanovna Markalova in the Art Pavilion „Cvijeta Zuzorić“-library:
September 23 – October 1, according to the following random time:
Saturday, 23.09. / 16:00 – 18:30 / OLGA
Sunday, 24.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / MILOS
Tuesday, 26.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / OLGA
Wednesday, 27.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / OLGA
Thursday, 28.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / OLGA
Friday, 29.09. / 16:00 – 19:00 / MILOS
Saturday, 30.09. / 17:00 – 19:00 / MILOS
Sunday, 01.10. / 16:00 – 19:00 / MILOS

Dates for the realization of the curatorial-artistic intervention by Nu Simakina, Kota Davydovau and endlea (musician, AI) in the Roman well:
September 27 – October 1 (12-7 p.m.), opening on September 26 (7-9 p.m.)

The exhibition is curated and organized by the Organizational Team, which consists of a group of young protagonists in the field of culture, and the project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade, the British Council, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway and the Austrian Cultural Forum.

The exhibition as a whole is realized in the period from September 5 to October 1. The two segments of the exhibition, which are realized in the premises of the Student City Center of Culture (DKSG), will be open until September 25, and from September 26 at 7 p.m., an additional segment of the exhibition will open in Roman well.

The working hours of spaces are every day except Mondays from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. On September 5 and 6, all spaces will be open from till 10:00pm, and UPCZ until 12:00pm.
