Edukativni program Bijenala mladih

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Učesnici: Eddy Ekete, in conversation with PhD in One Night

Datum: Subota, 28.decembar 2024.

Vreme: 14 časova

Format: Online (link za snimak razgovora: youtu.be)

Pozivamo na razgovor sa umetnikom Edijem Eketeom iz Demokratske Republike Kongo, čiji rad predstavlja jedan od izvora inspiracije kustoskog segmenta "Oaze" Bijenala mladih 2025, koji oblikuje Tane Laketić. U vremenu kada je Afrički kontinent postao deponija evropskog otpada, a Kinšasa se suočava sa opasnošću da postane svetska prestonica zagađenja, kritikujući istovremeno i lokalnu hiper konzumaciju, Ekete stvara jedinstveni umetnički odgovor na ove fenomene.

Usred zagađenja i urbanih izazova, Ekete pokreće kolektivni centar Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle, stvarajući prostor nade i transformacije. Ovde se mladi ljudi bez doma okupljaju otkrivajući sopstvene talente, pretvarajući tako gradsko smeće u pokretne “oaze”, privremene slobodne mobilne teritorije u vidu kostima od transformisanog đubreta, nudeći novo čitanje folklora i tradicije kostima i maski, prikazujući ih širom sveta. Kroz bijenalni KinAct festival, čiji je Edi takođe pokretač, ovi mladi ljudi od kojih mnogi autodidakti, stvaraju karnevalske povorke pretvarajući otpad u "apsajklovano" zlato kroz svakodnevne "umetničke alhemije".

Tako, celokupnim svojim delovanjem, Edi i kolektiv Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle vode ka novoj dekolonizaciji kongoležanskog društva, ovoga puta ukazujući na novu kolonizaciju - otpadom, kozumerizmom i nehajem koji preplavljuju afričku teritoriju čineći svakodnevni život nemogućim i posle belgijske kolonizacije.

Pridružite nam se u subotu, 28. decembra u 14 časova, kada će razgovor sa ovim umetnikom voditi članovi međunarodne platforme za estetsku edukaciju svih Phd In One Night, koji sa Eketeom sarađuju kroz Laboratoriju Radikalnog mira i Oranžeriju Bijerbe.



EDI EKETE je vizuelni umetnik i inicijator više kolektiva u Kongu i Evropi među kojima se izdvajaju “Međunarodni susret KinAct” (Kinšasa, 2015) i umetnički prostor-kooperativa Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle (Kinšasa, 2018). Njegov umetnički rad se suočava s urbanim okruženjem kroz antropološka opažanja istog pri čemu stvara radove koji predstavljaju aktivan odgovor na svet koji nas okružuje. Jedan je od predstavnika prvog paviljona Demokratske Republike Kongo na Bijenalu u Veneciji 2024. godine.

PHD IN ONE NIGHT  je samo-organizovani kolektiv koji od 2007. godine radi na oblicima estetske edukacije, kolektivne inteligencije i amaterskog odnosa prema znanju, za sve. Istraživanje o indisciplinarnosti PhD In One Night je u toku.



English version:

Educational Program of the Youth Biennial 


Guest speaker: Eddy Ekete, in conversation with PhD In One Night

Date: Saturday, December 28, 2024
Time: 2 p.m.
Format: Online (link for the recording of the talk: youtu.be)

We invite you to a conversation with artist Eddy Ekete from the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose revolutionary work forms the core of the curatorial segment "Oases" at next year's Youth Biennial, curated by Tane Laketić. At a time when the African continent has become a dumping ground for European waste, and Kinshasa faces the threat of becoming the capital of pollution, Ekete creates a unique artistic response to these challenges.

In the heart of Kinshasa, amidst pollution and urban difficulties, Ekete founded the collective center Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle, creating a space of hope and transformation. Here, young people gather to craft extraordinary costumes and sculptures from waste, transforming the city’s trash into mobile art installations that travel through the streets of Africa and Europe. Through the biennial KinAct festival, these young artists create carnival processions carrying powerful messages about pollution and consumerism, turning waste into "upcycled" gold through everyday acts of "artistic alchemy."

Through their overall efforts, Eddy and the Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle collective are paving the way for a new decolonization of Congolese society, this time addressing a new form of colonization - waste, consumerism, and negligence - that overwhelm African territories, rendering everyday life unlivable even after Belgian colonization.

Join us on Saturday, December 28 at 2 PM, when this artist will be in conversation with members of the international platform for aesthetic education for all Phd In One Night, who collaborate with Ekete through the Laboratory for Radical Peace and the Orangerie de Bierbais


EDDY EKETE is a visual artist and initiator of several collectives in Congo and Europe, including the ‘International KinAct Meeting’ (Kinshasa, 2015) and the artist space-cooperative ‘Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle’ (Kinshasa, 2018). His artistic work confronts urban environments through anthropological observations, creating works that actively respond to the surrounding world. He was one of the representatives of the first Congolese pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2024.  

PHD IN ONE NIGHT was founded in 2007 as a self-organized collective exploring forms of aesthetic education, collective intelligence, and an amateur approach to knowledge, open to all. Research into the interdisciplinarity of PhD In One Night is ongoing.