Edukativni program Bijenala mladih
(scroll down for Eng.)
Predavačica: Jelena Vesić
Datum: Subota, 28.septembar 2024.
Vreme: 14 časova
Format: Online (link za snimak razgovora:
Pozivamo vas na zajedničko preslušavanje online predavanja sa nezavisnom kustoskinjom, istoričarkom i teoretičarkom umetnosti i izlagačkih praksi, Jelenom Vesić. Ovaj događaj, uz komentare i diskusiju uživo, deo je našeg eduktivnog programa za mlade protagonista u polju kulture i umetnosti, poznatog kao Raspričavanje / Aftertalks, koji se realizuje u okviru Bijenala mladih.
U svom predavanju, Jelena Vesić će istražiti proces osmišljavanja i vođenja izložbi velikog formata u različitim geopolitičkim uslovima i institucionalnim kontekstima. Proučiće prostor izložbe kao dinamičnu instalaciju, koja predstavlja važnu tačku susreta između kustoske prakse i umetničkog razmišljanja.
Predavanje će obuhvatiti razne pristupe kustoskom delovanju kao kognitivnom i praktičnom radu, osnaženo bogatim ličnim iskustvom Jelene Vesić, stečenim u lokalnom i međunarodnom okruženju. Radujemo se vašem prisustvu i aktivnom učešću u ovoj inspirativnoj diskusiji!
O predavačici:
JELENA VESIĆ je nezavisna kustoskinja, kulturna aktivistkinja, autorka i predavačica. 2003. je diplomirala na odeljenju za Istoriju umetnosti, Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. U periodu 1999-2002. pohađala je Školu za istoriju i teoriju umetnosti, Centra za savremenu umetnost u Beogradu. Boravila je u kustoskom programu De Appel u Amsterdamu, u Holandiji, 2004-05, a 2015. je odbranila je doktorat na katedri za Teoriju umetnosti i medija, Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu. Bila je kourednica časopisa Prelom – Časopis za sliku i politiku (2001-2009) i jedna je od osnivača Prelom Kolektiva koji je bio aktivan u Beogradu od 2005-2011. Od 2009. kourednica je žurnala Red Thread – Žurnal za društvenu teoriju, savremenu umetnost i aktivizam, a od 2011. članica je redakcije časopisa za umetnost i teoriju Art Margins (MIT Press). Jedna od osnivača mreže nezavisnih organizacija Druga Scena iz Beograda (2005-06). Istraživanja Jelene Vesić obuhvataju politike reprezentacije u umetnosti i vizuelnoj kulturi, prakse samoorganizacije i politizacije kulturnog rada. U svojoj kustoskoj praksi neretko eksperimentiše sa različitim formatima, metodolgijama, kontekstualnim i kolaborativnim aspektima umetnosti. Kurirala je Bijenale mladih umetnika u Vršcu 1998. i najveće izdanje Jugoslovenskog bijenala mladih umetnika 2004. godine koje je izvedeno kao međunarodna izložba. Od izložbi velikog formata radila je Radiodays (De Appel, Amsterdam, 2005), Izmeštanje, saosećanje i humor u recentnoj britanskoj umetnosti (MSU, 2007), Lecture Performance (MSU Beograd, Kunstverein Keln, 2009-10), Političke prakse (post)jugosolovenske umetnosti, 2010.
Educational Program of the Youth Biennial
Lecturer: Jelena Vesić
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024
Time: 2 p.m.
Format: Online (link for the video of the talk:
We are pleased to invite you to an engaging online streaming lecture featuring independent curator, art historian, and theorist Jelena Vesić. This event is part of our educational program for emerging talents in culture and the arts, known as Aftertalks, presented in conjunction with the Youth Biennial.
In her lecture, Jelena Vesić will explore the intricacies of designing and executing large-scale exhibitions across diverse geopolitical landscapes and institutional frameworks. She will delve into the exhibition space as a dynamic installation, serving as a crucial intersection between curatorial practice and artistic exploration.
The presentation will showcase various approaches to curatorial work as both a cognitive and practical endeavor, enriched by Jelena Vesić's extensive personal experiences in both local and international contexts. Following the lecture, there will be an opportunity for live discussion and comments with the lecturer, fostering a deeper understanding of the topics covered. We look forward to your participation in this insightful event!
About the Lecturer:
JELENA VESIĆ is an independent curator, cultural activist, author and lecturer. In 2003, she graduated from the Department of History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. In the period 1999-2002. She attended the School of History and Theory of Art, Center for Contemporary Art in Belgrade. She stayed in the De Appel curatorial program in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2004-05, and in 2015 she defended her doctorate at the Department of Theory of Art and Media, University of the Arts in Belgrade. She was co-editor of the magazine Prelom - Magazine for Image and Politics (2001-2009) and is one of the founders of the Prelom Collective, which was active in Belgrade from 2005-2011. Since 2009, she has been co-editor of the journal Red Thread - Journal of Social Theory, Contemporary Art and Activism, and since 2011 she has been a member of the editorial board of the art and theory journal Art Margins (MIT Press). Also, she is one of the founders of the network of independent organizations Druga Scena from Belgrade (2005-06). Jelena Vesić's research includes politics of representation in art and visual culture, practices of self-organization and politicization of cultural work. In his curatorial practice, he often experiments with different formats, methodologies, contextual and collaborative aspects of art. She curated the Biennial of Young Artists in Vršac in 1998 and the largest edition of the Yugoslav Biennial of Young Artists in 2004, which was held as an international exhibition. Among the large-format exhibitions she worked on were Radiodays (De Appel, Amsterdam, 2005), Breaking Step: Displacement, Compassion and Humor in Recent British Art (Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Belgrade, 2007), Lecture Performance (MCA Belgrade, Kunstverein Cologne, 2009-10), Political Practices of (Post)Yugoslavian Arts, 2010.