Edukativni program Bijenala mladih

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Predavačica: Marijana Cvetković

Datum: Subota, 14.decembar 2024.

Vreme: 14 časova

Format: Online (link za snimak razgovora: youtu.be)

Pozivamo vas na predavanje istaknute intelektualke i aktivistkinje Marijane Cvetković, koja će nas provesti kroz kompleksne umetničke i aktivističke inicijative koje su oblikovane suprotno nasilnim procesima neoliberalizacije i privatizacije započetim devedesetih godina prošlog veka.

Predavanje će analizirati odjeke socijalističkog nasleđa koji se i dalje prelamaju kroz marginalne prostore postjugoslovenskih društava, uključujući i dramatične geopolitičke transformacije, poput onih prepoznatih u rezoluciji Evropske unije o evropskom sećanju za budućnost Evrope iz 2019. godine, gde su nacizam i komunizam predstavljeni kao dva lica totalitarizma. Reč je o transformacijama koje su dovele do potpune privatizacije nacionalnih resursa – onih koji su stvarani i akumulirani tokom četiri decenije socijalizma – i nastanka klase superbogatih u društvu koje je postalo sinonim za najveće socijalne nejednakosti u Evropi.

Centralni deo izlaganja Marijane Cvetković biće posvećen fenomenu samoorganizacije, koji ona sagledava kao revolucionarni proces samoemancipacije. Kroz prizmu delovanja u polju kulture, Marijana Cvetković će nas provocirati da preispitamo postojeće modele organizacije i međuljudskih odnosa. Fokusirajući se na specifične društvene, ekonomske i političke uslove, predavanje će nas uputiti u vrednosti koje nastaju praksom samoorganizacije – poput solidarnosti, zajedništva, deljenja i međusobne podrške – a koji jesu suštinska alternativa dominantnim principima individualizma, kompetitivnosti i projektne dinamike rada.

Predavanje je deo edukativnog programa RASPRIČAVANJE, osmišljenog za mlade umetnike i kulturne radnike. Iako je program posebno kreiran za članove i članice Orgnizacionog tima Bijenala mladih, pozivamo sve koji su zainteresovani da mu prisustvuju i budu deo predavanja koje će nas podsetiti na zaboravljene vrednosti i pružiti nove perspektive razumevanja našeg složenog društvenog trenutka.

O predavačici:

MARIJANA CVETKOVIĆ je diplomirala istoriju umetnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu i magistrirala menadžment u kulturi i kulturnu politiku na Univerzitetu umetnosti u Beogradu i Univerzitetu Lion 2.

Ko-osnivačica je nekoliko platformi i organizacija: Stanica Servis za savremeni ples, Nomad Dance Academy, Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije, KC Magacin, druga scena, Platforme za teoriju i praksu drušvenih dobara zajedničko.org,  a pokrenula je i niz inicijativa međunarodne saradnje i razmene. 

Aktivna na nezavisnoj kulturnoj sceni Srbije i Balkana i u velikom broju međunarodnih razvojnih projekata čiji je cilj unapređenje uslova rada umetnika i kulturnih radnika, razvoj savremene umetničke scene u Srbiji i novih modela formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja u kulturi.

Usavršavala se kroz stažiranje i istraživanje u Centru Pompidu, Muzeju Louvre, Muzeju moderne umetnosti MoMA u Njujorku, Muzeju Whitney u Njujorku, na Centralno-Evropskom Univerzitetu u Budimpešti.

U Srbiji je sarađivala na projektima Bitef Festivala, Muzeja savremene umetnosti, Ministarstva kulture i informisanja RS, Kulturnog centra Beograda, Muzeja afričke umetnosti, Pozorišnog muzeja Vojvodine, Bijenalom mladih u Vršcu, Memorijalom „Nadežda Petrović“, ULUS-om, Muzejom naivne i marginalne umetnosti i mnogim drugima.

Objavila je desetine eseja i članaka i uredila 7 knjiga. Drži radionice i predavanja o kulturnoj politici, menadžmentu u oblasti savremenog plesa, regionalnoj kulturnoj saradnji, muzejskom menadžmentu i nezavisnoj kulturnoj sceni širom Evrope.

Dobitnica nagrade „Jelena Šantić“ za aktivizam u polju kulture. 

Kao kustoskinja, ustanovila je profil Kondenz festivala savremenog plesa i performansa kao kritičkog i angažovanog prostora za teoriju i praksu umetnosti plesa i performansa. 

Kustoske projekte realizovala je u Centru Pompidu, Galeriji FLU, KC Reks, KC Magacin, a bila je i kustos brojnih međunarodnih konferencija u Beogradu, Skoplju, Zagrebu, Stokholmu.


Educational Program of the Youth Biennial 


Lecturer: Marijana Cvetković

Date: Saturday, December 14, 2024
Time: 2 p.m.
Format: Online (link for the recording of the talk: youtu.be)

We invite you to a lecture by the prominent intellectual and activist Marijana Cvetković, who will guide us through complex artistic and activist initiatives that have been shaped in opposition to the violent processes of neoliberalization and privatization that began in the 1990s.

The lecture will analyze the echoes of the socialist legacy that continue to refract through the marginal spaces of post-Yugoslav societies, including dramatic geopolitical transformations, such as those recognized in the European Union's 2019 resolution on European memory for the future of Europe, where Nazism and Communism are presented as two faces of totalitarianism. These are transformations that led to the complete privatization of national resources – those created and accumulated during four decades of socialism – and the emergence of a super-rich class in a society that has become synonymous with the greatest social inequalities in Europe.

The central part of Marijana Cvetković's lecture will be dedicated to the phenomenon of self-organization, which she views as a revolutionary process of self-emancipation. Through the prism of cultural work, Marijana Cvetković will provoke us to re-examine existing models of organization and interpersonal relations. Focusing on specific social, economic, and political conditions, the lecture will introduce us to the values that emerge from the practice of self-organization – such as solidarity, community, sharing, and mutual support – which are a fundamental alternative to the dominant principles of individualism, competitiveness, and project-based work dynamics.

The lecture is part of the educational program AFTERTALKS, designed for young artists and cultural workers. Although the program is specifically created for members of the Biennial of Youth Organizational Team, we invite all interested parties to attend and be part of a lecture that will remind us of forgotten values and provide new perspectives for understanding our complex social moment.

About the Lecturer:

MARIJANA CVETKOVIĆ graduated in Art history from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and earned a master's degree in Cultural management and cultural policy from the University of Arts in Belgrade and Lyon 2 University.

She is a co-founder of several platforms and organizations including Stanica - Service for Contemporary Dance, Nomad Dance Academy, Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia, KC Magacin, Second Scene, and the Platform for Theory and Practice of Social Goods - zajedničko.org. She has launched numerous international cooperation and exchange initiatives.

Active on the independent cultural scenes of Serbia and the Balkans, she has been involved in numerous international development projects aimed at improving working conditions for artists and cultural workers, developing the contemporary art scene in Serbia, and creating new models of formal and informal education in culture.

She has specialized through internships and research at the Pompidou Center, the Louvre Museum, MoMA in New York, the Whitney Museum in New York, and the Central European University in Budapest.

In Serbia, she has collaborated with Bitef Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Ministry of Culture and Information, Belgrade Cultural Center, Museum of African Art, Theatre Museum of Vojvodina, Youth Biennale in Vršac, Nadežda Petrović Memorial, ULUS, Museum of Naive and Marginal Art, among many others.

She has published dozens of essays and articles and edited 7 books. She conducts workshops and lectures on cultural policy, management in contemporary dance, regional cultural cooperation, museum management, and independent cultural scenes across Europe.

Recipient of the "Jelena Šantić" Award for activism in the field of culture.

As a curator, she established the profile of the Kondenz - Festival of Contemporary Dance and Performance as a critical and engaged space for theory and practice of dance and performance art.

She has realized curatorial projects at the Pompidou Center, FLU Gallery, KC Rex, KC Magacin, and has been a curator for numerous international conferences in Belgrade, Skopje, Zagreb, and Stockholm.