Edukativni program Bijenala mladih
(scroll down for Eng.)
Predavačica: Noa Treister
Datum: Subota, 23.novembar2024.
Vreme: 14 časova
Format: Online (link za snimak razgovora:
Istražite složenu vezu između politike komemoracije i zapadnog imperijalizma, i otkrijte kako je neoliberalni zaokret sedamdesetih godina transformisao naš pristup sećanju. U ovoj misaono podsticajnoj sesiji, razmotrićemo evoluciju žrtve u heroja i njen duboki uticaj na političku umetnost.
Noa Treister se bavi ključnim pitanjima o promenjenom pejzažu političke umetnosti i njenoj savremenoj relevantnosti, nudeći zanimljive perspektive o tome kako danas razumemo i stvaramo politički angažovanu umetnost.
Ovo predavanje je deo edukativnog programa RASPRIČAVANJE u okviru Bijenala mladih, osmišljenog za mlade umetnike i kulturne radnike. Iako je posebno kreiran za učesnike programa, svi zainteresovani su dobrodošli!
O predavačici:
NOA TREISTER je umetnica, kustoskinja i aktivistkinja čiji je rad posvećen artikulaciji različitih mogućnosti ekonomskih i političkih odnosa i društvenih prekida. Njen umetnički i kustoski rad uključuje društveni aktivizam u vidu facilitacije stvaranja društvenih struktura i institucija kao što su udruženja i zadruge koje rade sa ratnim veteranima, nezaposlenima, ekonomskim migrantima, sindikatima, kao i umetnicima i akademskim radnicima. Završila je Bezalel Art and Design Academy u Jerusalimu, u Izraelu, a trenutno je na postdiplomskim studijama na Division of Philosophy, Art, and Critical Thought of the European Graduate School.
Tokom svoje karijere, Treister je bila dosta uključena u različite kolaborativne i edukativne inicijative. Godine 2011. je suosnivačica platforme Učitelj neznalica i njegovi komiteti, platforme za samoobrazovanje. Njena posvećenost zadružnim strukturama dovela ju je do pozicije direktorke obrazovno-istraživačke zadruge Pleiades (2018-2022), a 2020. godine je postala suosnivačica Društvenog centra Začin.
Njen rad obuhvata više značajnih projekata koji povezuju umetnost, aktivizam i društvenu pravdu. Od 2012. do 2017. vodila je inicijativu Društvo radnika u Beogradu, pružajući besplatnu pravnu pomoć radnicima i malim akcionarima. Istovremeno, vodila je poznati projekat Imenovati to ratom (2012-2016), koji je podsticao jedinstvenu saradnju između ratnih veterana i antiratnih aktivista. Između 2016. i 2018. godine, autorka je i voditeljka projekta Svedočenja – Istina ili politika, koji je ispitivao složeni odnos između svedočenja i komemoracije u kontekstu jugoslovenskih ratova. U skorije vreme, vodila je projekat Conditions of Peace (2019-2022), a trenutno je angažovana na projektu Shared Visions, inicijativi usredsređenoj na izgradnju održivih i inkluzivnih zadruga za vizuelne umetnike širom Evrope.
Educational Program of the Youth Biennial
Lecturer: Noa Treister
Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Time: 2 p.m.
Format: Online (link for the video of the talk:
What does the politics of commemoration have to do with the growth of Western imperialism? How did the politics of commemoration changed in the West in the 70's with the neoliberal turn? How did victims become our heros? And how does it correlate with the political art that was produced? Is there a change in how we conceive political art today?
These are just some of the questions that Noa Treister's lecture entitled "The Politics of Art and the Politics of Memory" will try to answer.
The lecture is realized as part of the educational program for young artists and other protagonists in the field of culture AFTERTALKS, which is part of the BiennIal of Youth and is open to all who are interested.
About the Lecturer:
NOA TREISTER is an artist, curator and activist whose work is dedicated to articulation of various possibilities of economic and political relations and ruptures in society. Her art and curatorial work involves social activism in the form of facilitating the creation of social structures and institutions such as associations and cooperatives working with war veterans, unemployed, economic migrants, trade unions as well as artists and academics. She completed her education at the Bezalel Art and Design Academy in Jerusalem, Israel and is currently pursuing Postgraduate studies at the Division of Philosophy, Art, and Critical Thought of the European Graduate School.
Throughout her career, Treister has been deeply involved in collaborative and educational initiatives. In 2011, she co-founded The Ignorant Schoolmaster And Its Committees, establishing a platform for self-education. Her commitment to cooperative structures led her to become the director of Pleiades - Education and research cooperative (2018-2022), and in 2020, she became a co-founder of Social Center Začin.
Her work spans multiple significant projects that bridge art, activism, and social justice. From 2012 to 2017, she managed the Workers Society initiative in Belgrade, providing free legal assistance to workers and small shareholders. Simultaneously, she led the groundbreaking project Naming IT War (2012-2016), which fostered unprecedented cooperation between war veterans and antiwar activists. Between 2016 and 2018, she authored and managed Testimony – Truth or Politics, a project examining the complex relationship between testimony and commemoration in the context of the Yugoslav Wars. More recently, she directed the Conditions of Peace project (2019-2022), and is currently engaged in Shared Visions, an initiative focused on building sustainable and inclusive cooperatives for visual artists across Europe.