Edukativni program Bijenala mladih

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  1. oktobar 2024. 14h, online (link za snimak razgovora: youtu.be)

Učesnici u razgovoru: Jovan Čekić,  Slavko Timotijević, Nada Grozdanić, Jelena Vesić (TBC)

Moderatori panela: Dušan Ivić, Anđela Šusterić

Posle prve javne debate "Upoznajte Bijenale mladih", koja je održana proleća 2004. godine u Zagrebu sa fokusom na kulturu mladih u ex-jugoslovenskom području, nastavljamo javne razgovore o organizaciji kulturnih aktivnosti mladih, ovoga puta sa posebnim naglaskom na Republiku Srbiju. U povodu 30 godina od osnivanja Bijenala mladih u Vršcu (koje je postojalo od 1994. do 2002. godine) – izuzetne manifestacije koja je imala značajan uticaj na kulturni život Republike i mladih – pozivamo učesnike i organizatore ovog bijenala da se zajedno sa aktuelnim timom Bijenala mladih, razmene iskustva, ideje i vizije budućnosti.

Diskusija će obuhvatiti uticaj Bijenala mladih na umetničku scenu u Srbiji i regionu tokom 90-ih godina i na početku novog milenijuma, kao i ulogu mladih umetnika u savremenom društvu. Panelisti će imati priliku da podele svoja lična iskustva i izazove s kojima su se suočili tokom organizacije i učešća, uz razgovore o važnosti podrške institucija i zajednica mladih talenata.

Kroz paralelu sa iskustvima i tradicijom rada sa mladima u domaćem kulturnom prostoru, ovaj razgovor će težiti da osvetli mogućnosti za sistematičnije i organizovanije angažovanje najmlađe generacije umetnika i drugih aktera na kulturnoj sceni Srbije. 

Ova debata nije samo prilika da se osvetli prošlost, već i da se oblikuje budućnost kulture mladih. Svi zainteresovani su pozvani da se uključe u diskusiju, postavljaju pitanja i predlažu rešenja koja bi mogla poboljšati kulturnu scenu u Srbiji i regionu. 

U želji da stvorimo platformu za dijalog i saradnju, nadamo se da će ova diskusija biti inspiracija za nove projekte i inicijative koje će osnažiti mlade umetnike i kulturne radnike.

O učesnicima:

JOVAN ČEKIĆ (1953) je filozof, teoretičar umetnosti i konceptualni umetnik. Profesor na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije u Beogradu. Diplomirao je filozofiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu i doktorirao 2009. godine na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije. Bio je gostujući profesor na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu (2003), Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti na Cetinju (2003-2007) i Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu (2008). Objavio je brojne radove iz filozofije, teorije umetnosti i teorije medija.

Kao umetnik Čekić izlaže od 1975. Jedan je od osnivača konceptualne grupe 143. Urednik je Art edicije u izdavačkoj kući Geopoetika. Čekić je bio i urednik za teoriju u časopisu „Moment“, kao i glavni i odgovorni urednik časopisa za vizuelnu kulturu „Nev Moment“ (1993-1997). Bio je umetnički direktor Bijenala mladih u Vršcu (2002) i BELEF-a (2003, 2004), kreativni direktor Saatchi & Saatchi (1993-1997) i Communisa (2006). Dobitnik je Memorijalne nagrade Nadežda Petrović (1996) i Nagrade Oktobarskog salona (2000).

SLAVKO TIMOTIJEVIĆ (1949) poznati beogradski galerista, likovni kritičar i izdavač mesečnog, kulturnog informatora "Beorama". Timotijević je tokom osamdesetih godina u velikoj meri kao kustos promovisao i izlagao fotografiju kroz rad tzv. male galerije „Srećna nova umetnost“ u SKC-u.
Bio je i jedan od urednika likovnog programa u Studentskom kulturnom centru sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina. Promovisao je beogradske i jugoslovenske konceptualne umetnike, između ostalih Eru Milivojevića, Rašu Todosijevića, Marinu Abramović i druge, koji su doprineli da SKC u Beogradu bude prepoznat kao jedno od najvažnijih stecišta za izlaganje radova umetnika iz celog sveta. Krajem prošlog veka, Slavko Timotijević odlučuje da formira svoju galeriju pod nazivom Muzej u senci u banatskom selu Šumarak.

NADA GROZDANIĆ (1961) je organizatorka kulturnih manifestacija, izložbi i programa, posebno prepoznata po svom kapilarnom doprinosu organizaciji Bijenala mladih u Vršcu. Godine 2022-2024, bila je organizator galerije u Kulturnom centru Vršac, gde je realizovala brojne samostalne i grupne izložbe. Prethodno, bila je organizator i inicijator projekta "Umetnik u malom" 2021. godine i projekta "Galerija u Izlogu" 2020. godine. Od 2013. do 2024. godine, bila je glavni koordinator likovne manifestacije "Nagrada Paja Jovanović", jedne od najvažnijih kulturnih manifestacija u zemlji.

Tokom svoje karijere, bila je direktor Kulturnog centra Vršac, gde je uređivala mnoge kulturne programe, izložbe i festivala i saradnik u resoru za kulturu Opštine Vršac, gde je radila na razvoju kulturnog života u gradu. Bila je vlasnik privatne umetničke galerije "Luna" u Vršcu, gde je organizovala brojne izložbe i promocije umetnika, kao i saradnik firme Fotospring, Maribor, Slovenija, gde je radila na izradi projekata i programa za marketing i istraživanje tržišta. U jednom periodu Nada Grozdanić je radila kao marketing manager u izdavačkoj kući Public Triton i magazinu za industrijsku tehnologiju "Infinit", a tokom 1994-2003. godine, bila je projektkoordinator i izvršni manager Bijenala mladih u Vršcu i program koordinator Centra za savremenu kulturu Konkordija, Vršac, koji je organizator ovog Bijenala.

JELENA VESIĆ (1974) diplomirala je na Odeljenju za Istoriju umetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu 2003. godine. Pohađala je kustoski program De Appel u Amsterdamu 2004-2005. godine. Upisala je doktorske studije na Grupi za teoriju umetnosti i medija Interdisciplinarnih studija Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu 2009. godine. Jelena Vesić radi kao nezavisna kustoskinja, kulturalna aktiviskinja, autorka i predavačica. Kourednica je časopisa 3+4 (Beograd, 1996-1999), časopisa Prelom – Časopisa za sliku i politiku (Beograd, 2001-2009), žurnala Red Thread (Istanbul, od 2009), časopisa Art Margins (Boston, od 2011).





October 5, 2024, 2 PM, online (link for the video recording of the talk: youtu.be)

Participants in the discussion: Jovan Čekić, Slavko Timotijević, Nada Grozdanić, Jelena Vesić  (TBC)

Panel moderators: Dušan Ivić, Anđela Šusterić

After the first public debate "Meet the Youth Biennial," held in the spring of 2004 in Zagreb with a focus on the culture of youth in the ex-Yugoslav area, we continue public discussions on organizing cultural activities for young people, this time placing a special emphasis on the Republic of Serbia. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Youth Biennial in Vršac (which existed from 1994 to 2002) – an exceptional event that significantly influenced the cultural life of the Republic and its youth – we invite participants and organizers of this Biennial to join the current Youth Biennial team to exchange experiences, ideas, and visions for the future.

The discussion will cover the impact of the Youth Biennial on the artistic scene in Serbia and the region during the 90s and at the beginning of the new millennium, as well as the role of young artists in contemporary society. Panelists will have the opportunity to share their personal experiences and the challenges they faced during the organization and participation, along with discussions about the importance of support from institutions and communities for young talents.

Through parallels with the experiences and traditions of working with youth in the local cultural context, this conversation aims to illuminate opportunities for a more systematic and organized approach to engaging the youngest generation of artists and other actors in Serbia's cultural scene.

This debate is not just an opportunity to illuminate the past but also to shape the future of youth culture. All interested individuals are invited to participate in the discussion, ask questions, and propose solutions to enhance the cultural scene in Serbia and the region.

With the desire to create a platform for dialogue and collaboration, we hope this discussion will serve as inspiration for new projects and initiatives that will empower young artists and cultural workers.

About the participants:

JOVAN ČEKIĆ (1953) is a philosopher, art theorist, and conceptual artist. He is a professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade. He graduated in philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and obtained his PhD in 2009 from the Faculty of Media and Communications. He has been a visiting professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade (2003), the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje (2003-2007), and the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade (2008). He has published numerous works on philosophy, art theory, and media theory. As an artist, Čekić has been exhibiting since 1975. He is one of the founders of the conceptual group 143. He is the editor of the Art edition at the publishing house Geopoetika. Čekić has also served as the theory editor for the magazine "Moment" and as the editor-in-chief of the visual culture magazine "Nev Moment" (1993-1997). He was the artistic director of the Youth Biennale in Vršac (2002) and BELEF (2003, 2004), as well as the creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi (1993-1997) and Communis (2006). He is a recipient of the Nadežda Petrović Memorial Award (1996) and the October Salon Award (2000).

SLAVKO TIMOTIJEVIĆ (1949) is a well-known Belgrade gallerist, art critic, and publisher of the monthly cultural newsletter "Beorama." During the 1980s, Timotijević promoted and exhibited photography as a curator through the so-called small gallery "Srećna nova umetnost" at the Student Cultural Center (SKC).  He was also one of the editors of the visual arts program at the SKC during the 1970s and 1980s. He promoted Belgrade and Yugoslav conceptual artists, including Era Milivojević, Raša Todosijević, Marina Abramović, and others, contributing to SKC’s recognition as one of the most important venues for exhibiting works by artists from around the world. At the end of the last century, Slavko Timotijević decided to establish his own gallery called “Museum in the Shadows” in the Banat village of Šumarak.

NADA GROZDANIĆ (1961) is an organizer of cultural manifestations, exhibitions and programs, especially recognized for her capillary contribution to the organization of the Youth Biennale in Vršac. In 2022-2024, she was the organizer of the gallery in the Vršac Cultural Center, where she held numerous solo and group exhibitions. Previously, she was the organizer and initiator of the project "Artist in Miniature" in 2021 and the project "Gallery in the Window" in 2020. From 2013 to 2024, she was the main coordinator of the art manifestation "Paja Jovanović Award", one of the most important cultural manifestations in the country.

During her career, she was the director of the Vršac Cultural Center, where she edited many cultural programs, exhibitions and festivals, and an associate in the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Vršac, where she worked on the development of cultural life in the city. She was the owner of the private art gallery "Luna" in Vršac, where she organized numerous exhibitions and promotions of artists, as well as an associate of Fotospring, Maribor, Slovenia, where she worked on the development of projects and programs for marketing and market research. In one period, Nada Grozdanić worked as a marketing manager in the publishing house Public Triton and the Magazine for industrial technology "Infinit", and during 1994-2003. In 2010, she was the project coordinator and executive manager of the Youth Biennale in Vršac and the program coordinator of the Center for Contemporary Culture Konkordija, Vršac, which is the organizer of this Biennale.

JELENA VESIĆ (1974) graduated from the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 2003. She attended the De Appel curator program in Amsterdam in 2004-2005. In 2009, she enrolled in doctoral studies at the Group for Art Theory and Media at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Jelena Vesić works as an independent curator, cultural activist, author, and lecturer. She was co-editor of the magazine 3+4 (Belgrade, 1996-1999), the magazine Prelom – Journal for Image and Politics (Belgrade, 2001-2009), the journal Red Thread (Istanbul, since 2009), and the magazine Art Margins (Boston, since 2011).